"We're the only ones in the rail vehicle suspension sector able to offer this kind of immediate help worldwide. We are able to do so thanks to our many service providers," notes Friedrich Hoppmann, head of the ContiTech Railway Engineering segment. With its close-knit sales network and the experienced service technicians in its employ all around the globe, ContiTech remains within easy reach of the customer even after installation of bogie springs. In the shortest of time, ContiTech is capable not only of supplying the original parts needed but also of installing them straightaway on the train.
To see to this, the fitters head right out to the customer's location. Since some of them work in production, they are well-versed in the parts. ContiTech produces air spring systems and rubber-to-metal bonded parts for rail vehicles in Germany, China, India and France. The needs of other countries are met by service partners. ContiTech added a new partner in July - the English railway service provider Ferrabyrne. Based in Littlehampton and active in the railway industry for decades, Ferrabyrne sees to every aspect of service for ContiTech customers in England, Wales and Scotland - from the provision of replacement parts and the preparation of air suspension systems and rubber-to-metal bonded parts through to repair and inspection of components. Ferrabyrne staff are trained by ContiTech and certified to the ContiTech standard. The same applies, of course, to all other service partners. "This ensures that we offer customers everywhere the same high-class service," guarantees Hoppmann.
Needless to say, air springs can also be quickly repaired at the ContiTech location in Hanover, Germany. If an air spring suffers damaged from flying stones, for example, the operator can dispatch the defective part to Hanover. "The part is then normally repaired here in a matter of hours and immediately returned to the operator," says Hoppmann. ContiTech offers this service in the UK and the US as well.