This picture looks very similar with the Compumatica-Globe of 2007, which contains an internal endless encryption spiral. „The accidental similarity of the representation shows that our idea was a good one and still is", says Petra van Schayik, managing director of Compumatica, who last year co-developed the idea of the encryption spiral. “The modern communication world cannot be better characterized as through an endless string which goes through the whole world“. This year Compumatica displays the glass globe at a prominent place on their booth.
Compumatica secure networks connects the whole World
This picture looks very similar with the Compumatica-Globe of 2007, which contains an internal endless encryption spiral. „The accidental similarity of the representation shows that our idea was a good one and still is", says Petra van Schayik, managing director of Compumatica, who last year co-developed the idea of the encryption spiral. “The modern communication world cannot be better characterized as through an endless string which goes through the whole world“. This year Compumatica displays the glass globe at a prominent place on their booth.