Hosting this year´s FIFA world cup tournament, Germany will remain in the very focus of international awareness throughout 2006. The joint campaign of Federal Government and German industry aims at demonstrating Germany´s innovative potential and productivity (see for further information). The Deutsche Bank is an official corporate partner of the initiative. "We firmly believe that innovative ideas represent the mainstays of economic success in Germany and are key to the future of our country. As a Bank of Ideas and together with innovators like febit gmbh we herald the innovative competence and competitiveness of our country," Sanchez-Mayoral explained at the ceremony.
After accepting the award, Stähler expressed his thanks for the honoring of his company and the support febit received from the Deutsche Bank: "While our company follows a clearly international sales strategy, we purposely chose the Heidelberg Technologiepark as our home base. And we clearly took the right decision: febit found a research-friendly environment and important partners that supported us by providing funding, infrastructure, and consulting. Besides the Deutsche Bank, these parters include the representatives of the Rhine-Neckar region and the Technologiepark, the investors Dietmar and Oliver Hopp, and our supervisory board - today represented by Dr. Gerald Möller, chairman of our supervisory board."
Werner Pfisterer, member of the state parliament representing the Heidelberg electoral district, gave a short address and acknowledged the commitment of febit: "Baden-Württemberg may not be rich in material ressources, but it creates a wealth of ideas. Sixty-one of the nationwide total of 365 ´landmarks´ belong to our state, so we rank number 1 among the federal states. Ideas, creativity and innovative potential are well-known attributes of Baden Württemberg - and febit biotech gmbh is one great example." Biotech will be the key technology of the 21st century and Baden-Württemberg is a leading biotech region, Pfisterer explained, "Last week, the council of ministers decided to maintain the state-owned BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH, a key service and marketing partner of the state´s biotech companies. This decision was important, appropriate and farsighted!"