Innovation is needed for multimodal biometric systems including new modalities such as 3D-face and 3D-finger, multi-spectral fingerprint or vein and the observation of many more behavioural biometric characteristics.
Security analysis of biometric systems and components remains to be essential. This includes fake resistance of sensors, biometric information protection and crypto-biometrics to enhance the privacy of data subjects and to protect biometric references. Moreover security analysis and certification of security properties need to be developed.Beyond that biometrics can contribute to the security of large scale systems such as the VIS or numerous widely used systems such as personal mobile devices, e-Banking or e-Health systems.
Critical success factors in those applications are among others the compliance to standards and the early assessment of sample quality with standardized metrics. All of these techniques and applications are expected to have an ethical, social, and legal impact on our everyday life. Further research and development is needed in order to improve the state-of-the-art towards higher maturity and better biometric performance, interoperability, scalability, system reliability and usability.
The two-day Biometrics-Event (BIOSIG 2011) addresses these issues and will present innovations and best practices that can be transferred into future applications. The conference is jointly organized by CAST, the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC), the BEST network (BEST), the TeleTrusT-Association, the Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt (CASED) and the Biometrics special interest group BIOSIG of the Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI).
Date: 08./9. September 2011
Ort: Fraunhofer Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung in Darmstadt, Fraunhoferstr. 5
Thursday September 08, 2011
- "Starting the Visa Information System (VIS)" (Gregor Pelzl, DG JLS)
- "VISPILOT - Towards European Biometric Visa Border Control" (Fares Rahmun, BVA)
- "Fingerprint Sample Quality Metric NFIQ 2.0" (Oliver Bausinger, BSI / Elham Tabassi, NIST)
- "Statistical Analyses of Fingerprint Growth" (Thomas Hotz, University of Goettingen)
- "A quality score honoring approach to semantic conformance assessment of minutiae-based feature extractors" (Sebastian Abt, Hochschule Darmstadt)
- "One-to-many Face and Iris: Metrics, Use-cases, Limits" (Patrick Grother, NIST)
- "3D Capturing of Fingerprints - On the way to a contact less certified sensor" (Helmut Seibert, Fraunhofer IGD)
- "Gait Recognition for Children over a Longer Period" (Mohammad Derawi, GUC)
- "Classification of Acceleration Data for Biometric Gait Recognition on Mobile Devices" (Claudia Nickel, CASED)
- "Transformative Biometrics and the exercise of arbitrary power" (Juliet Lodge, University of Leed)
Friday September 9, 2011
- "Biometrics Search: Finding a Needle in a Haystack" (Nalini Ratha, IBM Research)
- "Continuous Real-Time Speaker-Recognition" (Max Kunz, atip)
- "The glass maze : hiding keys in spin glasses" (Carlo Trugenberger, InfoCodex AG)
- "On biometric key generation from handwritten signatures" (Olaf Henniger, Fraunhofer SIT)
- "Efficient Database Techniques for Identification in Protected Biometric Data" (Ines Färber, RWTH)
- "Many faces of iris quality" (Elham Tabassi, NIST)
- "Statistical Independence of Iris Features" (Malte Wiest, Hochschule Darmstadt)
- "A Versatile Iris Segmentation Algorithm" (Petru Radu, University of Kent)
- "Designing a self-service terminal for capturing biometric data for the German Identity Card and Electronic Passport" (Stefan Pahmeier, Speed Intraproc)
- "Liveness Checks inside ABC gates" (Miguel Leitmann, vision-box)
- "Secure Mobile Payment" (Werner Blessing, Biometry)
- "Face on the fly: how to track face" (Laurent Lambert, Morpho)
- Panel discussion - chair Max Snijder: "What Industry can provide today to operators - and what Industry needs tomorrow from research"
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