“Zooming and panning high-resolution images over the Web is remarkable,” said Canto CEO Ulrich Knocke. “But being able to do so instantly, without downloads—even at full-screen—means Web-based approvals and previews are no longer hindered by Internet bandwidth.”
Any file that Cumulus can preview can be “deep-zoomed” by ZoomA, making the add-on valuable for PDFs and other file formats too.
“It takes less time to open a preview in Cumulus Sites using ZoomA than it does to open that same file in Photoshop,” said Aimtec director Glenn Lawrence. “Plus, you don’t need Photoshop or any other program.”
ZoomA is priced at $2,900 / €2,900 with no per-user license costs. It is available from Modula4 (US and Germany), DataBasics (Australia), and other Canto partners worldwide. ZoomA requires no additional software. Aimtec is a Canto Certified Partner (Platinum).
Read more about ZoomA on the Print21 website. Visit the Aimtec website for a live demo. (http://aimtec.com.au/zooma)
Canto recently released Cumulus 8.5, which includes World Metadata, improved workflow, easier administration and more.
About Canto & Cumulus
Canto® has been dedicated to helping customers fully utilize their digital assets since 1990. Canto Cumulus® is a cross-platform solution that enables companies to easily organize, find, share and track their ever-increasing numbers of digital files, in any format. Canto’s worldwide network of certified developers offers an impressive assortment of plug-ins and add-ons that enhance the Cumulus product line further.
Learn more: http://canto.com
Media contact: David Diamond (+1 415-495-6545, press@canto.com)