takeMS International AG has received a certificate from the institution "Der Grüne Punkt - duales System Deutschland GmbH" for the year 2009. This means that takeMS takes part in active reduction of greenhouse gas. A big moment for the company, because environmental protection concerns everybody!
But for takeMS this is not enough - from now on the takeMS flash cards will be supplied in a new environmentally conscious packaging which mainly consists of recyclable material. This will be the next step to environmental acceptability and awareness.
The products are viewable through a vision panel and are thiefproof. The new design of the packaging is refreshing, classy and shows the products to its advantage. The new product packaging is considerably smaller as the previous blister packaging and is therefore spacesaving. Another advantage of the new and smaller product packaging will be considerable reduced freight charge. In the future also the takeMS USB drives will get a new packaging made of recyclable material. This changeover will be made late summer 2010.
Overview of the advantages of the new product packagings:
- Saving freight charges
- Saving the environment through recycling material
- Saving space in the warehouse / on the shelf
- Classy and new design accentuates the products
More information at www.takeMS.com.