The development of electrochemical energy storage systems is a field strongly characterised by dynamism and innovation. Increases in capacity are taking place almost every six months in lithium battery technology, and noticeable technological leaps occur roughly once a year. We can assume that numerous new markets will develop over the next few years where lithium battery technology can be successful: The potential for this technology is substantial.
With his book “AkkuWelt” (Battery World), Sven Bauer, Managing Director of the BMZ Group, is publishing a reference text that will become the new standard work for battery technology. The author communicates basic knowledge on battery engineering using state of the art technology, offering an overview of the development, construction, and use of batteries. Bauer is able to base his work on his exclusive knowledge as an industry leader and key innovator.
From the Contents:
- Criteria for selecting the optimal battery technology
- Global market for energy storage technologies
- Challenges in battery technology
- Functional principle and key parameters
- Battery management and areas of application
- Handling risks, testing and maintenance
- Standards and laws
- Research for the battery of the future
Sven Bauer is the founder and Managing Director of the BMZ Group, with registered offices in Germany, Poland, China, the USA, and branches in France and Japan. He was honoured with the 2015 European Business Award, among other prizes. He is one of the most important European battery experts; besides his work as Managing Director, he is also a lecturer at battery and development forums.
Sven Bauer
1st edition 2017
248 pages
Price 49.80 EUR
ISBN 978-3-8343-3409-1