Day two - Thursday
Weather conditions: hot and sunny
Temperatures: Air: 25-36°C, Track: 28-54°C
Number of cars participating: 8
Fastest lap overall: Alex Wurz, Williams Toyota, 1:19.962 min
Circuit Distance: 4.428km
Robert Kubica
Chassis / engine: BMW Sauber F1.07-06 / BMW P86/7 V8
Test kilometres today: 407 km (92 laps)
Fastest lap: 1:20.004 min on lap 7
The team finished its two day test an hour before the end of the day's running, having completed the entire scheduled programme. The work for Thursday included lots of set-up for the forthcoming races, which sent the team in an interesting direction. The team also continued working on systems settings, which confirmed some of the findings from Wednesday. The early finish was due to the completion of the engine mileage and this performed flawlessly. The total distance covered by Robert Kubica over the two days was 863 kilometres.
What comes next:
The next test, after the summer break, will be in Monza on the 28th, 29th and 30th August, while there is the possibility to run on the 31st in case of rain on any of the other days.