The Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics and Berner & Mattner joined efforts to develop and build a new Plasma Diagnostics System with high resolution. The Theory Group at MPE studies highly coupled, complex plasma. For their research, scientists entrusted the experts at Berner & Mattner with the detailed specification, project coordination, components supply and integration of the measuring system.
High requirements and complexity
The MPE team successfully took advantage of the longterm experience of Berner & Mattner in the fields of project management, technical specification, integration and test as well as technical and commercial negotiations with suppliers of optical and electronic system components.
"We require highly complex, custombuilt devices for our research. We can relieve our project teams from many tasks not linked to the research field by a successful cooperation with a specialist in the private sector, such as Berner & Mattner. We benefit from more efficiency and obtain time for the actual research", corroborates Professor Gregor Morfill, Director at the MPE, the project success. "Providing the turnkey analytical system, the team of Berner & Mattner met our very special requirements in a reliable way."
About the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
The main research topics of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) are modern astrophysics and space plasma physics. For its research, the Institute applies mostly experimental, but also theoretical methods. Its name defines the research field - space physics - and, at the same time, the methodology. Many experiments of the MPE have to be carried out above the dense Earth's atmosphere using balloons, aircraft, rockets, satellites and space probes. Whenever possible, the MPE also uses instruments at earthbound telescopes complementing the results with laboratory tests. Databased analysis, study of fundamental physical processes, and the development of new methods are most relevant to the theoretical work. Some of the methods can be transferred to other research fields and applications. In this way, the Theory Group at the MPE transfers the results obtained from the analysis of complex systems to other applicationoriented fields in medicine (early diagnostics of skin cancer, tumors, prenatal surveillance), engineering (manufacturing and quality control), and hygiene (plasmabased disinfection).
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