„We retain virtues of existing products even when we implement new features. Setup of the server is still a walk-over with „Smart Queue“ technology which takes the user through the process – step by step“, says Karl Koch, CEO at basICColor.
„The optional DynamicLink module creates required DeviceLinks, not present on the system, at runtime using embedded profiles. These DeviceLinks are being applied to separations of RRGB data as well as conversions from one printing condition to another. This two-tiered conversion in one and the same workflow guarantees for the highest quality of the final result, even with mixed color spaces in the original document“ Koch continues.
The new SpotColor module is a must for everybody who needs to convert spot colors in pdf-documents in a safe and automated way and in highest quality. Many printing processes – especially digital printing – cannot handle spot colors. In offset printing the use of spot colors makes the job much more expensive. Up to now when converting spot colors based on the so called Alternate Color Space, the results were less than satisfactory. That´s why basICColor brought spoTTuner to the market years ago. This program allowed for optimizing the separations of spot colors to CMYK.
Now you will receive the same quality fully automatically and in your PDF workflow with the SpotColor module in basICColor gHOST. You can install ny number of spot color libraries, e.g. for different customers or for different printing conditions. When calculation the CMYK values, the black channel can be increased so that only 2 other plates remain to be printed. This stabilizes the print process considerably. In any case you will get the best possible visual match because the algorithm uses the full gamut of the respective printing process.
You can take functions like sharpening of images, gradation changes, scaling and compression of images for smaller file size and individual color conversions for image and vector data for granted. For each configuration you can calculate the amount of ink saving. You achieve thehighest cost reduction while retaining image quality if you use DeviceLinks made with basICColor DeviL.
The update of the basic module from version 2.0, which is the prerequisite for using the new optional modules, is free of charge. You can see the prices and further information on basICColor gHOST at www.basICColor.de.
If you should use a less powerful color server, we can offer you attractive cross-upgrades, please ask.