AXI- TR7600 Automated 3D-In-Line X-ray Inspection System
X-ray Inspection technology can see through the PCB's and hard-to-inspect components to check their connections to the PCB. The TR7600 provides in-line inspection for high density components such as Flip Chips and BGA's, and micro-components down to 0201 and 01005.
AOI-TR7550 Pre-/Post-reflow Automated Optical Inspection System:
The TR7550 combines a top-view digital 3CCD full colour camera plus 4 angle cameras to provide the most complete coverage in its class. Its linear motor offers smoother, more accurate imaging.
SPI-TR7066 3D Solder Paste Inspection System
This system features ultra-high-speed optical inspection of 76cm³/sec at 20 um resolution.
Boundary-Scan onTAP from Flynn Systems
onTAP Boundary-Scan Software has everything one needs to develop and run effective JTAG testing on printed circuit boards. onTAP Boundary-Scan Software automates and simplifies test development for beginners and experts alike, generating boundary scan tests that are effective and reliable!
- Interconnect, Bus Wire, Pull-up/Pull-down, TAP Infrastructure tests, Shorts and Opens
- Memory/Cluster tests employ Virtual Pins to test non-JTAG memory and FLASH devices.
- Memory and Flash models available.
- Run tests from your PC through your JTAG Programming Cables at clock speeds up to 10 MHz
- Browse netlist, Sample application signals, Set pin values, Measure responses
- Robust ATPG for high fault coverage and precise pin-level diagnostics
- Program Flash
- High-level Cluster Test Modeling language, featuring C-like expressions and flow control
- Manage bus devices, jumpers and transparency
- Highly-responsive Technical Support helps to get project running!
Most important features are:
- BSDL Syntax Verification cites exact 1149.1 spec & paragraph.
- Tests tailored to standard CAD Board Netlists
- Extensive Online Help
- Concurrent Parallel Chain Tests
ATEcare distributes exclusively in Central and Eastern Europe these software solutions from Flynn Systems, a pioneer in the field of automated test generation.