• Who achieved great things in logistics and has earned a place in the Logistics Hall of Fame?
• Logisticians around the world are called upon to propose suitable candidates up to May 8 at www.logisticshalloffame.net.
The Logistics Hall of Fame proposal portal has opened. Anyone can now be proposed or submit applications from around the world for induction into the international logistics pantheon.
The achievements may be of a technical, strategic, scientific, business management or entrepreneurial nature. The decisive factor is that these achievements not only benefited an individual company but had a positive impact on the entire logistics sector. Furthermore, these achievements must already be in the past; theoretical concepts are not sufficient. Groups may also apply or be proposed for induction.
In the first selection round up to ten finalists will be nominated from all the proposals, from among the international expert jury will choose one new member. The members of the nomination committee are:
• Dorothee Bär, State Secretary at the Federal Minister of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
Logistics Coordinator of the Federal Government of Germany
• Robert Cameron, Head of Logistics Department of the Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA)
• Prof. Dr. Michael ten Hompel, Managing Director of the Fraunhofer IML and member of the Logistics Hall of Fame
• Matthias Rathmann, Editor-in-Chief of the German Logistics newspaper trans aktuell
• Sascha Schmel, Managing Director of the VDMA Materials Handling and Intralogistics Sector Association
• Adalbert Wandt, President of the German Association of Road Haulage, Logistics and Disposal (BGL)
• Anita Würmser, Executive Chairperson of the Logistics Hall of Fame jury
Proposals and applications are free of charge and can be submitted in English or German language and only on the Internet at www.logisticshalloffame.net. The public proposal phase ends on May 8, 2017. The newly elected member will be inducted at the annual Logistics Hall of Fame Gala in November at the Federal Ministry of Transport in Berlin, Germany.
The Logistics Hall of Fame is supported by the Federal Ministry of Transport as well as the relevant sector associations, media and companies, including the Port of Duisburg (duisport), Gebrüder Weiss, logistics insurer Kravag, the Fahrzeugwerk Bernard Krone company, intralogistics provider Still, the Federal Central Cooperative for Road Transport (SVG) and the TimoCom freight exchange.
The Hall of Fame can be accessed free of charge at any time at www.logisticshalloffame.net and features information on logistics milestones and the people behind them.
Weitere Informationen zu den Mitgliedern: http://www.logisticshalloffame.net/...
Highres-Bilder der Mitglieder: http://www.logisticshalloffame.net/de/presse/pressebilder/mitglieder
Die Logistics Hall of Fame ehrt Persönlichkeiten, die sich um die Weiterentwicklung von Logistik und Supply Chain Management außergewöhnlich verdient gemacht haben. Ziel der Logistics Hall of Fame ist es, als weltweite Plattform die Meilensteine der Logistik zu dokumentieren und ihre Macher auszuzeichnen, um so die Bedeutung der Logistik für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft zu unterstreichen. Die Non-Profit-Initiative wird unterstützt von Politik, Verbänden, Medien, Logistikwirtschaft und -wissenschaft. Die Schirmherrschaft hat Alexander Dobrindt, Bundesminister für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI), Deutschland, inne.
Unterstützerkreis der Logistics Hall of Fame:
Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI)
Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung (BGL)
Bundesverband Materialwirtschaft, Einkauf und Logistik (BME)
Bundesverband Wirtschaft Verkehr und Logistik (BWVL)
Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL)
DVV Media Group, Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung (DVZ)
Deutscher Speditions- und Logistikverband (DSLV)
Deutsches Verkehrsforum (DVF)
Duisburger Hafen (duisport)
Fahrzeugwerk Bernard Krone
Gebrüder Weiss
International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA)
International Road Transport Union (IRU)
Lebensmittel Zeitung
SVG Bundes-Zentralgenossenschaft Straßenverkehr
trans aktuell