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ITSC in Vienna: Conference Offers a Full Spectrum of Coating Solutions

The program of this year's ITSC – International Thermal Spray Conference and Exposition is now available online. Visitors can look forward to three full days of...

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Two DVS members distinguished with IIW Awards

DVS - German Welding Society is glad that two DVS members have each received one of the renowned prizes of the International Institute of Welding (IIW). Every year,...

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Good news for the coming year: Seven nations have already promised to take part in the International Welding Competition. On the occasion of the competition staged...

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DVS General Manager Dr. Boecking on the Board of Directors of IIW

The 72nd Annual Assembly with a subsequent conference of the International Institute of Welding (IIW) from July 7 to 12 was particularly significant for DVS - German...

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DVS Media will produce the official fair newspaper called "fair news"

DVS Media GmbH will be the official partner of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH for the fair newspaper called "fair news". From June 25 to 29, 2019, it will accompany the quartet...

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