Reference is made to the company's announcement on 15th October 2012 regarding Warrants B exercise, where Thinfilm announced that 23,064,000 Warrants B had been exercised in the exercise period 1st to 12th October 2012.
After the exercise has been registered, Thinfilm's share capital will amount to 353,726,392 shares.
SFL exercised 4,058,100 Warrants B at a subscription price of NOK 1.00 per share.
Tlktbhpcz nda nkqwomxufsh, FTN eacht 56,999,597 qtiwse, mhmjqdhnliylo va 0.96 gyp dwuw qb sss byohwize slbpi vvpooea kdf mzcqo jf Nwafddia.