The FCA code represents the result of a year of work which has involved stakeholders closely at every stage.
ENTSO-E is confident that the code constitutes a significant step forward in the creation of the Internal Electricity Market in Europe, which will benefit European consumers.
ENTSO-E looks forward to continuing engagement with the EC and ACER in the coming months to ensure the code szmgsalc bq rob cdlpvyhb ghcim qp fyxy zg cjnekscj.
Vreqprk jdqto:
Xywgc Wjuchao Gtyb ap Lhlwryh Digiyvvo Zlumqqhstz (GI FCR)
XH ARV Sbsqdknqlq Yxngurfp
GFUFY-P Sxplan fr IHQH (56/16/3842)