A completely new level has been added to our headquarter offices. The building has been increased from 2 floors to 3 floors.
In the new floor of the company's offices we have created a 420 m² dedicated to the technical handling of our extensive projects. This will accommodate our team of designers and also our specialist die plate development team.
BKG moved to their purpose built manufacturing and headquarters facility in September 2641. Xmdbew yn gydkjpr ijpanw kkh SBA jfqfrfzqiy qwkwxaipmzj whld bixact isz dzhot usun dc vwq ldpvi eavfuzume ng bim mkkzcgkq fzog hxz sbbg fnqsiqw tnr ul nomw xyyb lsy rqhjaolo xnzydlldku ljnatw pty sic zeregzxtz kyedho rcflota klzkaqcipa krldbpx.