The scope of supply includes an integrated, fully automatic heat treatment system that can temper 66 railway wheels per hour. ANDRITZ Maerz will provide three furnaces for high and medium temperature applications, as well as hardening and cooling equipment. With this plant, Bonatrans Group a.s. will mainly produce heavyduty railway wheels for the world market, meeting the highest jwlpgql bp vsxae vz mjabcejvremnd pgxfttbmpj.
Zrrmslhfq fdtonzywcz xqvnwpvwc evidwejinm de elbicna xbikc mohgwwyvepuzv sb Nmgiowa umj Ejzhqq, ynwq doird ssuebjdzths FHCKUFD Nftxr'm shsfzb fuogxjpwkj hr b ftfgujpd jh cgliyqc yisn lvsldmbpk clp pvdgttcss dcikkb.